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Please provide names and addresses of 2 referees, the first referee must be your current or most recent employer if applicable, we will not contact them without your prior consent (to be ticked at the end of this application). APT interviewer will advise you if a third reference is required, if so, this can be either a professional or character-based reference.
Please note that it will not be possible to formally offer you employment unless satisfactory references are obtained.
[If less than 5 years, please provide addresses covering 5 years at the end of this form, exact dates must be provided]
Please tick √ the boxes to suit your availability. This will be what you can commit to every week in addition to one day every weekend or both days alternating weekends. You are required to give 4 weeks’ notice to change this.
I confirm that the information I have provided in support of this application is complete and true and I understand that knowingly to make a false statement for this purpose is a criminal offence.
I consent to the DBS checking the details I have provided in support of this application against the data sources specified, to verify my identity and process this application. These details may be recorded and used to assist other organisations for identity verification purposes, such as the Home Office and other associated public bodies.
I am aware of further information available to me via
I understand my DBS my personal data will be processed in accordance to pre employment checks such as DBS application
I consent to the DBS providing an electronic result directly to the Registered Body that has submitted my application. I understand that an electronic result contains a message that indicates either the certificate is blank or to await certificate which will indicate that my certificate contains information. In some cases, the Registered Body may provide this information directly to my employer prior to me receiving my certificate.
I consent and understand that as part of my recruitment process or in order to ensure my continued suitability for the role, my employer may request for my DBS certificate to be subscribed to the DBS Update Service allowing regular checks to be made against the certificate ensuring the information remains up to date and accurate. I understand this will be made on my behalf via the Registered Body processing this DBS application or an organisation appointed by the Registered Body to act on its behalf.
I give permission for my referees, as I have listed above, to be contacted accordingly.
I understand and confirm that should I be offered employment; a further health declaration form may be required to be completed
I understand that a DBS check cost will be meet by me, the amount was made known to me